Турция.ру - Место под солнцем! Отдых в Турции!

Отзыв об отеле Лимак Аркадия (Limak Arcadia Int. Hotel & Resort) 5* Белек,
Мнение участников Турция.Ру

The best of hte @

The best of hte @

Прислал: Hallowe'en

Ездил: n/a  Оценка: 9

Новый отзыв

HI my dear dear dear Elf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss you so much :) (though you always made disorder in our room)

Yes , we really worked hard, but some of our animators, as "business man" worked twice harder to make good money and guest contact ;)

Do you remember that wonderful sea where we could just lay down and forget about all the troubles and our favourite pier with big pillows to sleep on and jumping from there :)

Do you remeber our roon club song !!!! and also Zalim and Ay singing when we woke our hardworking neighbours and out super bed-jumping :)

So it's the place where people tell their opinion about the hotel. So whenever you go to Arcadia to have fun you will always find a lot of animators with hearts full of love for you and making party every day of your holiday there. Some people come to the hotel and say that they don't see any animation that animators don't work, but please try to wake up your bodies from your towels and go to all activities, show times , evening dancing and disco party time and you'll always get a company.Smile cause it's holiday not funeral.

OKKKK, Elf , please clean your e-mail box :)

Лимак Аркадия (Limak Arcadia Int. Hotel & Resort) 5* Белек
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