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Отзыв об отеле Лимак Аркадия (Limak Arcadia Int. Hotel & Resort) 5* Белек,
Мнение участников Турция.Ру

The best of hte @

The best of hte @

Прислал: ELF

Ездил: n/a  Оценка: 10

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Hi my lovely Halloweenchik!

Many many thanks that you made our reputation of hard-workers again blameless! But I still don’t agree that so called “business men” worked twice harder than we did!!!!! It wasn’t a work they just “got experience” (you remember this unforgettable expression that we laughed at all the season) of cause it wasn’t easy sometimes they did it till morning…

I miss you too soooooooooo much! But what are the @#$%ing fantasies about disorder that I always made in our room!!!!!! It was just short periods of light disorder when I was really busy! You know I’m a business woman! I mean the real one. I’m sorry but who made order there? Who cleaned our large JACUZZI?! And what a perfect order it was when I got inspiration!!!!!!!!

You know canIm our room song was super but here bana gelmiyor!! Bed jumping with this song was really emotional especially I remember the moment when our colleagues rushed in our room without knocking…

Also my everyday procedure “mummy is coming back”… J

You remember when once we got brilliant idea to decorate our door! From outside… We spent whole evening to make it feeling ourselves as minimum talented designers!!!!!!! And next morning thanks to our “kind friend” we had to get it offL Our tears were enough for one more see.

And what about Club “6121” which were renamed later at “6107” and our gruppen boccia(now everybody makes fantasies according to its depravity!), bingo and etc.

I see Arcadia in my dreams every night(often I even hear this voice telling me “You made to much mistakes!” selam for “the best @#$% of the rest”) and now seating near to my calorifer and trying to heat myself I’d like to be there in hot Turkey. Vallahi!

P.S. I cleaned my e-mail!!!!!!!!!!!!

Лимак Аркадия (Limak Arcadia Int. Hotel & Resort) 5* Белек
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