Dear ElF!!!!!!!!!
Here I'm again :)
So many time passed since our arrival to historical motherland and we still dream to go to Turkey. Well I think that's a good sign.
I beg your pardon for making our reputation of hard-workers blameless.Now I realise how mistaken I used to be and only the visit of our lovely general manager to Moscow opened my eyes :)
I hope our best friends and colleagues will like our presents, and our super plan will work out ;)
I'm so jealous about the weather over there.It's almost the end of October and it's still +28+30C.where is fairness?
So they got a new handsome Dj? looking forward to c him ;)
Hope they got more handsome animators in Arcadia, but from the other side if even such "handsome" animators as ours had such success among young girls and woman those were not so young, then they 'd have twice more extra job :)
By the way we didn't ask shef about the catalogue of Arcadia photos where we were supermodels :) just curious about that :)
Best wishes
Лимак Аркадия (Limak Arcadia Int. Hotel & Resort) 5* Белек
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